
Be still,sad heart & cease repining;
Behind the clouds is the sun still shining;
Thy fate is the common fate of all,
Into each life some rain must fall ---------Henry Wadsworth
Dont give up on this beautiful life ever at all,
Let your worries be however big or small!
"In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday" ~ Lenny Santee
Hope is eternal.
Thats a nice poem...and I shall try very hard to smile no matter what.
be happy.. why do you always give me a feeling that you are unhappy ?
Lend me your sorrows..
Here ia an apt one for you
"Chance makes our parents, but choice makes our friends"
..Jacques Delille
there are times when i am unhappy..but i definitely was very happy when i wrote this one :)
so no worries..I am very happy!!!!!! :)
Every moment that you spend regretting/repining/sulking/sad...
you are missing out on a chance to be happy...
That makes being sad..not worth it.
Besides...if the rains dont come, how will we learn to appreciate the sunshine?
time for a new blog ??
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